With more and more consumers logging onto networking websites like Facebook and Twitter, The need for incorporating social media tools into a website and marketing strategies is becoming highly important for webmasters and companies alike. But every now and then I meet someone who asks me “Hey how do I use these social media optimization tools correctly?”
That is when a thought struck my mind saying “Hey that could a good subject to write on”. So, I thought that in this post I will cover how to bring the power of social media to your website and also how you can maximize the effectiveness of your site’s social media features.
# It’s time to bring in the twitter birdy
Twitter is the friendly birdy next door, and it can help you tell your visitors that your website is alive and kicking. Therefore, it is a good idea to add in a twitter stream to your website, because it will make your website appear fresh, even if you haven’t added anything new to your website.
You might think that just adding a twitter button to your website would be good enough but there is a catch in that. See, if you just add a twitter button to your website, it will mean that every time a visitor clicks on that, he/she will leave your website completely and will be redirected to your twitter account. And the bad part is that they might never return. Yes, it happens.
So, adding your twitter stream is a better alternative as it keeps your visitor on the website and the visitor is not redirected anywhere, simply because your stream is now running live on your website. Also, put in some additional features like the ability to connect to their own accounts directly from your website and re-tweet your posts to their account, and you could ensure optimum user participation and socialmedia optimization.
#Make your Website Revolve Around Your Brand
Your website is how you will reach your potential customer and it is always a good idea to make your website brand central, and by brand central I mean make your website a concentrated central point for everything that is related to your brand on the World Wide Web. Just like we discussed Twitter above, make sure to incorporate Facebook as well. And if you or your company has posted videos online on video sharing websites like YouTube, then make sure you embed those videos on your website as well. Basically, bring in everything that you have online to one single centralized hub.
Showing feeds of conversations that people are having about your company, videos that people have been tagged with your company name, the positive reviews etc. Basically it helps to keep the visitors engaged and also helps you to show the positive feedbacks in real time as well as respond to negative feedbacks fast and more effectively, which is of course very essential as any social media consultant would advise you.
# Don’t Bloat your Website with a Social Media overload
When it comes to social media optimization, it can be very tempting for a webmaster to fall for what I would like to refer to as ‘A social media trap’ and what it means is ‘when a webmaster begins to include even the social media sources that are irrelevant to his website.’
An example of which can be a YouTube video of a low quality uploaded by you and might not be good to share with your visitors. Also, a Twitter account associated with the website which has not been updated in ages is not good to be featured in the Twitter stream that we discussed earlier. So, my advice would be to only include the most relevant social media streams and content on your website.
But that’s just me. I mean there are tons of other methods that can be implemented and suggested by any other social media analyst like myself, but these are just a few of them that I thought would prove beneficial for anyone looking forward to bringing in the power of social media onto their websites.
If you have any suggestions or questions, I would be more than happy to hear them. Please leave a comment for me below and I will surely get back to you amigos.
Stay Blessed!
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